I Make a Full-Time Income By Placing Simple Adverts For Companies On The Internet
…and I set this website up to share the details on how you can too.

Hi, I’m Dale. That’s me above ⬆. I’m the founder of this website & as you’ve probably just read, I earn a living by placing adverts for companies online.
The concept is simple. I place the ads, the companies I place the ads for start generating sales & then I take a percentage which I can spend how I like.
And whilst I don’t really like talking about how much I earn (because I feel it’s something that should be kept kinda private), I will tell you that it’s not uncommon for me to see over $500 worth of profit in a single day.
In fact, I think on my best day I did over $4,000 (or very near that, if not).
So in terms of income, it’s pretty crazy, to say the least.
Yet despite this method being so lucrative & ultimately when stripped down, so simple, there are still not many people that actually know about it.
And those that do know about it or who have heard about it may not believe that it’s real or may not fully appreciate the potential that it has.
Which Is Why I Set Up This Website…
I set up this website with the intention of firstly highlighting that the method is certainly VERY real & secondly, to show people how they can actually do it.
- It doesn’t require any experience or technical skills
- The earning potential is limitless
- It can be totally lifechanging
- And most importantly, because competition doesn’t matter
Yep, that’s right – there is so much opportunity with this that even if I shared it with a million people… or a billion… or more… It doesn’t matter.
I can still make money with it, and so can you.
So in a way, I feel it would be almost selfish for me to keep it to myself. I want to help as many people as I can to learn about this & of course, to earn from it.
But There Is Something I Want To Make Very Clear
Whilst this method can prove to be very lucrative & is ultimately very simple, I want to make it clear that it’s not a “free meal ticket”.
Meaning that if you’re expecting to just be able to push a button & start generating autopilot riches without having to do anything then you can think again.
This method takes work. Just like any other job, business or whatever.
But the good news is that if you’re prepared to put in the work then there will be absolutely no limits on the amount that you can earn.
And, after time, your income from this method can even start to become somewhat passive meaning that once you’ve gained momentum with it you can step back a little & spend more of your time doing the things you enjoy.
Sure, you’ll still have to work on it but you won’t need to find yourself glued to your keyboard or smartphone. A couple of hours per day (if that) should suffice.
And I almost forgot to mention the fact that since your business will be entirely online you’ll be able to work on it from wherever you like, whenever you like.
So, in my opinion, it’s worth the initial hard work. Well worth it.
It Literally Changed My Life
Before doing this I was a stressed-out electrician working at a dangerous workplace. I’d get up at 6am each day, go to work & come home worn out & covered from head to toe in muck, dirt & oil.
In short, I wanted out… And one evening, out of desperation I turned to Google & found myself searching for the phrase “how to make money online“.
At that time I didn’t even know if it was possible to make money online but I figured what the heck, it was worth a shot.
And let me tell you something, I’ve never looked back.
Within just a couple of weeks of discovering the method via that search, I handed in my notice & left my job as an electrician because I was so hyped about what I’d found.
And now here I am, over 10 years later, about to share the exact same method with you. So I guess a congratulation is in order because depending on what you do with this information you’ve found, your life could be set to change forever.
So How Does It Actually Work?
Well, as I mentioned at the very start of this page, I place ads for companies online, the companies then generate sales & I get paid a chunk of the profits.
And the best part is that it doesn’t cost me a dime.
All I do is create small, simple web pages using a free website builder tool (that I’ll share with you in a moment) & then these web pages get listed in the search engines like Google, Yahoo & Bing.
If somebody clicks through to the web page from one of the search engines & then buys something via any of the adverts on the page, I get paid a commission.
And I get paid those commissions over & over again each time it happens.
In fact, to highlight the potential (and passive nature) of this, I’m still earning commissions each day from pages that I’ve created over 5+ years ago.
Pretty amazing stuff, right?
So, as an example of this in practice, if I was promoting a dog-related product (such as a dog toothbrush), I could create a simple page like this:

On it, I would simply provide some helpful information related to the topic & then once published, that page would show up in the search engine listings whenever somebody searched for something related to it.
For example, if I searched “which toothbrush is best for a dog” in Google, that page would show up as the first result as you can see from the screenshot below:

So this means I would begin getting visitors coming through to that page from the search engines & once that happens, I get the opportunity to earn money.
All I’d need to do to begin making money would be to add some adverts onto that page & the type of adverts that I personally use are known as affiliate links.
If a visitor clicks to a shop via one of these links & buys something, I get paid a percentage of the sale… And this happens on every single sale.
In fact, it’s common with affiliate links that you’d still get paid even if a person clicked on the link & then went on to buy something different altogether.
So let’s say they clicked on a link to buy a dog toothbrush but then they ended up buying a dog bed from the same store… I’d still get paid a commission 😮.
And so that you can see what they look like, here’s an example of an affiliate link advert on that exact dog toothbrush article that I showed you above:

So if somebody visits that article & then clicks on that button to buy the toothbrush from Amazon, the creator of that page will get paid a commission.
And once that content is listed in the search engines it could stay there for many years to come, meaning from a small one-time effort that person could be earning daily commissions for many years into the future.
Heck, they could continue earning from it for the rest of their life.
And then to grow their income larger, all they would need to do is simply create additional pieces of content to generate more commissions each day.
Plus, the best part is that you can write about anything you like meaning that you can even build an income from the things that you’re passionate about.
Whether you want to write about sports, fashion, gadgets, travel it doesn’t matter, you can still make money with this. There’s opportunity everywhere.
But How Can You Get Started?
As I mentioned in the previous section, I use a free & simple website builder to create these web pages & that web builder is provided by a company named Wealthy Affiliate.
On top of providing the web page builder, Wealthy Affiliate also provide step-by-step training that outlines exactly how you can get started with this method.
And best of all, it’s free to get started with.
So if you’re interested in this method & would like to either learn more or actually get started with it & put it into action then I would highly recommend that you go right ahead & get yourself signed up with Wealthy Affiliate.
They’ll give you access to everything you need to get started including training, tools, resources & community support… And I’m a member there too.
In fact, if you’d like to connect with me there then you can find my profile below:

But yeah, as you’ll soon see when you go through the Wealthy Affiliate training & learn about this in more detail, this method is a complete game-changer.
So I hope that you found this information helpful & I hope that you take full advantage of it because I know that if you do, it can change everything for you.
And of course, if you happen to have any questions, feel free to leave them below: