What Exactly Is Affiliate Marketing? (& How Does It Work?)

Affiliate marketing… Everybody seems to be talking about it & and there are many people making BIG money with it.

But what exactly is affiliate marketing?

And how does affiliate marketing actually work?

If those are the questions you’ve found yourself asking then you can rest assured that you’ve landed in the right place because, in this post, I’m going to be explaining EXACTLY what affiliate marketing is, in the simplest way possible.

And I’m also going to be explaining how you can get started with affiliate marketing with no money down & turn it into a thriving full-time career.

So without further ado, let’s dive right in.

What Is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing, in short, involves promoting other people’s (or company’s) products or services online in return for commissions.

So essentially, as an affiliate, you can think of yourself as a freelance advertiser.

You advertise products or services for companies online & then you get paid commissions in return for any successful sales that you manage to generate.

Make sense?

The reality is that it’s actually a pretty simple & pretty easy way to begin generating an income online.

And the best part is that you can get started with it completely free of charge.

But before I talk about how it works & how you can actually get started with it, I know there’s another question that you’re probably wondering…

How Do The Companies Know It Was You That Generated The Sales?

Good question. I’m glad you asked. 🙂

When you sign up for a company’s affiliate program you get provided with a special link known as an affiliate link & this link contains a special ID known as a tracking ID.

The tracking ID could be anything from a set of numbers, letters or even a bit of weird code.

Meaning it could look like this:


Or it could look like this:


Or it could look entirely different altogether.

Either way, they all contain an ID that’s unique to you & it’s this ID that tells the companies that it was you who sent the visitor there.

This means that when the visitor ultimately makes a purchase, they can track it back to that specific ID & you will be credited for the sale (since it was you that sent them there & generated it, as their freelance advertiser).

Of course, this all happens automatically.

So 9 times out of 10, the minute the sale happens, you’ll receive a notification.

It’ll be something like: “You’ve got commissions!“.

And let me tell you, it’s a pretty nice notification to receive. Especially when you begin to receive them all day every single day (even whilst you’re sleeping).

But yeah, in short, that’s basically the general concept of how affiliate marketing works.

Though, once again, I’m sure you have another pressing question…

How Do You Get People To Click On (And Buy Things Through) Your Affiliate Links?

The truth is, there are many different ways you could do this.

For example, you could sign up for an affiliate program, grab your link & send it to a friend on social media.

But let’s face it – that’s probably gonna be pretty annoying for them.

The last thing you want to do is start pestering your friends to buy things through your affiliate links. Selling to your friends isn’t cool.

And do you know what?

Selling isn’t cool in general.

That’s why, in my opinion, the best way to do affiliate marketing is to simply remove selling from the equation & connect people with the products or services they’re already looking for.

But… How do you do that?

By using Google (and the other search engines), of course!

For example, imagine if you could get your affiliate link to appear when somebody searched for the exact product that you were promoting.

And imagine if you could do that without paying a dime?

Well, the good news is you can.

You see, when you create a piece of content online (like this blog post that you’re reading right now), search engines like Google, Yahoo & Bing automatically discover it & they list it within their results as an option for people to click on.

All it has to be is helpful, high-quality & relevant to what the person is searching for.

So, for example, if you searched for something along the lines of “what is affiliate marketing?” or “how does affiliate marketing work?” then this post that you’re reading right now would be listed somewhere within those results.

Google Search Results Example

In fact, you may have even arrived here from a search engine today.

And that’s the key to huge success with affiliate marketing.

All you need to do is simply create content related to the products or services that you’re promoting & wait for it to get listed in search engines.

Then, you can get a steady stream of visitors coming through to your content & as soon as you’ve got visitors, you’ve gained the opportunity to begin making money.

What’s more is the fact that once the content is created, your income can become completely passive for as long as you keep the content online.

And the other good thing is that there are absolutely no limits on the amounts that you can earn. The more content you create, the more money you stand to make.

So Why Isn’t Everybody Doing This?

Umm, they kind of are.

It looks like you’re just late to the party!

But don’t worry, being late doesn’t mean that you can’t still make money. In fact, there is actually more opportunity now than ever before.

Wondering how? Well…

So if you’ve ever heard the phrase “affiliate marketing is saturated”, that’s simply just not true. There’s more than enough to go around.

Still don’t believe me?

Take a look at this:

How Many Searches on Google Per Day

And pretending the product you’re promoting pays out $20 commissions, you’d only need a mere 10 sales per day to generate more than the average American salary.

So let me put that together…

8.5 billion searches and you only need 10 sales to make more than the average American.

Easy, right?

But that brings us to the most important question of all…

How Do You Get Started With Affiliate Marketing As A Beginner?

The good news is that affiliate marketing is one of the best businesses you can start as a beginner & you can even start affiliate marketing with no money down.

But how do you do it? And who can do it?

Well, starting with who can do it – anybody can do it.

Whether you’re young, old, smart or stupid, it really doesn’t matter. There are no minimum requirements or eligibility criteria when it comes to affiliate marketing.

All you need is some high-quality, step-by-step training.

And this brings us to the next point. The “how do you do it?“…

The answer? You join Commission Academy.

If you want to get started with affiliate marketing, then that is hands-down the best free affiliate marketing course available anywhere on the internet.

And I can say that for certain because I created it, along with another highly successful super affiliate named Simon, with 1 main goal.

Dale & Simon

And that goal was to provide as much value as possible at absolutely no cost whatsoever.


Because we have a genuine passion for helping others succeed… And we’ve got a pretty solid track record of making it happen too.

We’ve helped literally thousands of beginners get started with affiliate marketing over the years & we’ve even helped many of them kiss goodbye to their jobs.

And we wanted to wrap up what we’ve previously been teaching people privately & put it into a completely free-to-access step-by-step course.

So that’s exactly what we did.

Meaning that if you join, you’ll get access to everything you need to launch your very own thriving affiliate business, including some of the “little-known” tricks that we’ve never previously publicly released.

So if you’ve got any interest in getting started with affiliate marketing at all, don’t put it off. Go create your free Commission Academy account right now.

Or if you still have questions, feel free to keep reading.

Affiliate Marketing FAQs

I thought about making this post really long with an explanation of every single aspect of affiliate marketing but the reality is, there are so many long posts about affiliate marketing online already… And they all kinda get real boring, real fast.

So I figured I’d switch it up & attempt to cut through the noise by delivering something super simple & super easy to understand instead.

But I understand that after reading to this point you may still have some questions. To make it easier, though, I’ve broken them all up into FAQs below:

Is Affiliate Marketing a Scam?

Absolutely not. Affiliate marketing is a legitimate business model & it is utilized by many reputable big-name companies such as Amazon, eBay & Etsy.

How Much Money Can You Make With Affiliate Marketing?

There are no limits on how much money you can make with affiliate marketing & as a result, there are many affiliates earning in excess of $150k per year.

Is Affiliate Marketing Legal?

Yes, of course. As an affiliate you are merely acting as an advertiser except instead of getting paid upfront, you’re getting paid a commission for any successful sales that you manage to generate.

What Do You Need To Become an Affiliate Marketer?

The only thing you need to become an affiliate marketer is an affiliate link. You officially become an affiliate marketer the moment you get that first link.

Do You Need a Business License For Affiliate Marketing?

In general, for most areas in the world, no. This does vary country-by-country & state-by-state though so if you’re unsure, it’s best to check with your local governing body. Remember, affiliate marketing is simply an advertising business.

Do You Have To Disclose Affiliate Links?

Yes, you should have to disclose affiliate links & realistically you should want to disclose your affiliate links as doing so builds trust with your audience. Don’t try to “trick” people into purchasing things via your links. Instead, build your business based on integrity & honesty & this will earn you more in the long run.

How Long Does It Take To Make Money With Affiliate Marketing?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. It could take 1 day or it could take 1 year but the general rule of thumb for somebody brand new is that they should expect their first affiliate earnings within their first 3-6 months.

Is Affiliate Marketing Halal or Haram?

Affiliate marketing is halal but only if you are promoting halal products or services. If you promote haram products or leverage shady tactics then your affiliate marketing efforts could be deemed as haram.

How Long Will Affiliate Marketing Last?

Affiliate marketing is here to stay & it is expected to maintain continuous rapid growth over the coming years ahead. There may be changes to regulations surrounding affiliate promotions but affiliate marketing itself will not be going anywhere (despite what many scaremongers try to claim).

Do You Pay Tax on Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is a business just like any other business & if your country or state requires you to pay tax on business earnings then yes, you will need to pay tax on affiliate marketing. In some countries, however, you’re only required to declare your earnings & pay tax on them if you earn over a certain amount.

Is Affiliate Marketing The Same as Influencer Marketing?

Some influencers use affiliate marketing, but affiliate marketing isn’t the same as influencer marketing. The difference is that some influencers are paid set fees to promote products or services whereas affiliate marketing is commission-based.

What’s The Average Affiliate Marketer’s Salary?

According to Scaleo, half of all affiliate marketers earn over $1,660 a month, on average. That would put the average affiliate marketing salary at $19,920 per year but of course, there are some affiliates who go on to earn much more than that.

How Do Affiliate Marketers Get Paid?

Affiliate marketers can choose whichever payment method suits them best. Most programs payout via PayPal, bank transfer, cheque & even cryptocurrency. If there’s a specific payout method you require, all you simply need to do is find a program that pays out via that particular method.

Is Wix Good For Affiliate Marketing?

No, Wix is not good for affiliate marketing. Wix websites are easy to build but because they use a custom platform it means you’re very limited to the number of add-ons or plugins that you can get which will seriously hinder your chances of success. The Commission Academy training recommends a better alternative.

Are Affiliate Links Allowed on YouTube?

Affiliate links are allowed on YouTube providing that they are published in a way that helps the viewer & that they are clearly disclosed.

What Affiliate Products Sell Best?

The products that sell best are the ones that your audience is looking for. There aren’t a specific set of affiliate products that sell best. It’s all about building an audience & then finding the most relevant & helpful products to recommend to that audience.

When Did Affiliate Marketing Start?

Affiliate marketing started in 1989 but it has come a long way since then. Compared to 1989 when there was only one affiliate program (PC Flowers & Gifts), there are now hundreds of thousands of affiliate programs available for you to join.

Where Do Affiliates Advertise Their Links?

Some affiliates leverage social media to advertise their links but this is generally one of the more difficult avenues to go down. Others use methods such as SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) & PPC (Pay Per Click Advertising).

Can You Do Affiliate Marketing Without a Blog?

Yes, but having a blog makes it much easier to achieve success & gives you the opportunity to earn passive income. A blog is also a saleable asset meaning it can increase in value over time so overall, with these things taken into consideration, it would be silly to try & do affiliate marketing without a blog.

Is It Too Late To Start Affiliate Marketing?

There has never been a better time to get started with affiliate marketing as it is currently experiencing rapid & continuous growth. Plus there are more affiliate programs than ever before & more people are spending online than ever before.

Do Affiliate Links Expire?

Affiliate links don’t expire unless the company closes down their affiliate program & makes the links redundant. Providing the program is active & your account is in good standing, any affiliate links you share will not expire.

Do Affiliates Get Free Stuff?

Yes, as an affiliate you have the opportunity to get free stuff sent to you by companies to try it out & review it (and sometimes even keep it). The more successful an affiliate you are, the more free stuff you will likely be sent.

Does Affiliate Marketing Have an Age Limit?

No, it doesn’t. There are no upper or lower age limits on affiliate marketing as a whole but do note that some individual affiliate programs may impose certain age restrictions depending on the product or service being sold.

Who Is The Number 1 Affiliate In The World?

Dale, the founder of Commission Academy. Just kidding, but in all seriousness, the answer is there’s simply no real way of telling.

Does Affiliate Marketing Require Investment?

No, affiliate marketing doesn’t require investment & you can start affiliate marketing with no money down. If you do invest money (on something such as web hosting & a domain name) though, you’ll be able to speed up your success.

Can Affiliate Marketing Be a Side Hustle?

Absolutely. Affiliate marketing doesn’t have to be a full-time job & there are many people who do affiliate marketing as a side hustle alongside their current jobs. It’s probably one of the best, easiest & most fun side hustles to get started with.

Why Does Affiliate Marketing Have a Negative Reputation?

There are a couple of reasons why affiliate marketing has a negative reputation. Firstly, there are scammers who promise to provide people with “done-for-you affiliate marketing businesses” in return for money (which turn out not to be profitable). Secondly, many people do affiliate marketing the wrong way & end up annoying their family & friends by promoting things to them on social media.

What Is The Affiliate Marketing Success Rate?

100% of all affiliate marketers that pursue their business for the long-run manage to succeed and generate commissions. The only affiliate marketers that fail are those that give up too early because they expect to see results too soon.

What Is a Super Affiliate?

A super affiliate is an affiliate that has achieved outstanding performance & generated a large number of sales which is much greater than the number of sales generated by similar affiliates within the same program or network.

Are Digital Products Better For Affiliate Marketing?

Digital products can offer larger commission rates but they are not necessarily better for affiliate marketing as a whole. The best products for affiliate marketing are the ones that are most relevant to your audience & in many niches, physical products with lower commission rates can greatly outperform digital products.

Is It Possible To Become a Millionaire With Affiliate Marketing?

Becoming a millionaire is very much achievable with affiliate marketing & there are many affiliate marketers who’ve gone on to earn millions.

Do Affiliate Marketers Have To Purchase The Products They Promote?

No. Some affiliate marketers choose to purchase the products to offer a more in-depth review but as an affiliate, you are not required to purchase the products that you promote as you can base your recommendation on pre-existing facts.

Can You Do Affiliate Marketing Anonymously?

Yes, you don’t have to show your face (or name) to do affiliate marketing. In fact, many of the largest affiliate websites (such as booking.com) have entirely faceless websites. In some niches, however, where a high level of trust is required (such as the medical niche), it would be wise to share details about yourself & your experience otherwise people may not wish to follow your recommendations.

Can You Buy Things Through Your Own Affiliate Links?

No, this is generally strictly prohibited in most affiliate programs & affiliate networks & doing so will likely get your affiliate account banned.

When Should You Quit Your Job To Do Affiliate Marketing Full-Time?

If you’ve continuously earned more than your current salary for a period of at least 6 months & have built up a full year’s worth of savings to fall back on, you could consider quitting your job to do affiliate marketing full-time. This, of course, would depend on how stable you believe your business to be.

How Do Affiliate Networks Know You’re The One Clicking Your Links?

Affiliate networks use several different methods to know you’re the one clicking your links such as IP detection, cookie detection, session detection, etc. Amazon Associates even leverage their Alexa devices to listen for you clicking on your own links (just kidding!). But seriously, you’ll never beat Amazon when it comes to fooling their affiliate program. They have a lot of data & they know everything.

How Many Hours Do Affiliate Marketers Work?

Affiliate marketers don’t have set working hours. Some affiliate marketers work 1 hour per week whilst others work 100 or more hours per week. It all depends on how much they want to earn & how quickly they want to scale their businesses.

Is Affiliate Marketing Legal In UAE?

Affiliate marketing is legal in the UAE but it’s important to know that to operate legally in the UAE as an affiliate you must have a business license & you must abide by UAE laws. The UAE takes a very strict stance on affiliate marketing.

How Long Does It Take To Learn Affiliate Marketing?

It depends on how fast you are able to learn but a free affiliate marketing course like Commission Academy should see you learning the basics of affiliate marketing in under 1 week & after 1 year you could call yourself experienced.

What Is a Vertical In Affiliate Marketing?

A vertical in affiliate marketing is essentially just a market segment, such as “Fashion”, “Health” or “Travel”.

Which Affiliate Marketing Strategy Is The Most Effective?

SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is typically believed to be the most effective affiliate marketing strategy & the easiest strategy for beginners to succeed with.

What Is Cookie Duration In Affiliate Marketing?

Some affiliate programs set a file known as a cookie on a user’s device when they click your affiliate link. If they then visit the website whilst the cookie is still on their device, you’ll still be credited for the sale. The cookie duration is how long the cookie is set to stay on the device before it is automatically deleted.

Who Invented Affiliate Marketing?

William J. Tobin invented affiliate marketing in 1989 when he launched his PC Flowers & Gifts business on the Prodigy Network & paid them a percentage of every sale.

Do You Have To Pay For Affiliate Marketing?

No, you can start affiliate marketing with no money & you shouldn’t have to pay for affiliate marketing or to join any affiliate programs. There are, however, some paid tools & services (such as web hosting & domain names) that can help you to build a more successful business & to get started more quickly.

What Is Geo In Affiliate Marketing?

A geo in affiliate marketing is a geographical location where the program is actively paying out commissions. For example, if Amazon stated its “geos” were the UK, the USA & Canada, it would only accept traffic from those set countries.

Is Affiliate Marketing a Business?

Yes, as an affiliate you are simply advertising on the behalf of third parties meaning that you would effectively be operating an advertising business.

Best Way To Start Affiliate Marketing With No Money Down

If you’ve read this far, you’re clearly pretty serious about affiliate marketing so why not go ahead & sign up for the best free affiliate marketing course?

And if you skipped all the way down the page to see what good stuff was at the end, you’re smart enough to know you NEED to join this free course right away.

Either way, I hope you found this post very insightful & if you have any additional questions or comments, feel free to leave them below.

About the Author:
I'm Dale & way back in 2012 I was able to leave my job as an electrician after discovering I could earn money from home on my own terms by simply placing ads for companies that connected people with the products or services they were looking for online . I later set this website up to show others how I did & most importantly, how they can do the same.

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